Madhvi Dalal

Age: 44
Profession: Pharmacist, Yoga Instructor (specialized in Prenatal Yoga), Dance Choreographer and Performer

About me


Madhvi dared to spread her wings and she has soared. She risked dipping her hands in her mark on each. Today she is multifaceted – a Pharmacist, Dancer/Choreographer, Reiki Master, Yoga Instructor (including Prenatal Yoga) and Social entrepreneur. Her exemplary work in each has won her NINE awards including the Welsh Asian Woman’s Achievement Award two times over in the professional and Arts/Culture categories and Power Woman of the Year Award.


Madhvi and her family moved to Kenya from Wales six years ago. She is a member of the Pharmaceutical Societies in the UK and Kenya, is in the core committee of various social bodies and has appeared in the National and International Newspapers and TV for her work and contribution to her professions and social Impact. She is also an advisory for the government for establishing standards for reusable sanitary pads and also on various committees for Yoga and Wellness.


Madhvi is the founder of PadMad. PadMad is a social enterprise that is working in Kenya, Somaliland, Malawi and UK on addressing period poverty. PadMad introduces Menstrual Health Management (MHM) and Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) education and the manufacture biodegradable product that improves affordability, sustainability and environmental responsibility. The pads are locally produced creating employment to marginalized women. This impactful solution is supported by private sector partners who provide water solutions and production efficiency.


She has made waves in the communities and is currently working in different counties with the Government of Kenya to bring change within the society and deal with period poverty and menstrual taboos.


To eradicate period poverty.


Live mindfully.


Bleed with pride. Period

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