Want to find out how we can help your Charity? Want to work with Creative Powr and share your talents with those Charities that need you the most? Get in touch with our friendly team today! 


Why not check out some questions we get asked on a regular basis.

  1. Experience of working online with an online team
  2. Teamwork skills
  3. Recommendation on LinkedIn
  4. Technology skills whilst working on the project
      • Jira
      • Confluence
      • Slack
      • Google Workspace

       5. Recommendation to add onto the CV

In order to make a positive change in as many different countries as possible we will be helping at least one charity from each of Africa’s 54 countries and strive to recruit volunteers from within each of those countries.

  1. By applying to become a volunteer and if you are eligible to be a volunteer then you will be accepted and onboarded.
  1. No; CPR volunteer is a volunteer of the Creative Powr brand that helps in all campaigns and becomes part of the core volunteering team.
  2. MAD campaign volunteer is a volunteer for a limited time within a specific country for example when we are launching the MAD campaign in Kenya then we will only look for Kenyan volunteers and those volunteers will only be there with us until the end of this campaign in Kenya.
  1. IT Volunteers.
  2. Someone that is in the IT industry, has a background in IT or is currently studying in IT.

If your application was successful then you will receive an email notification. We will also post about it on our social media to share the good news!

Yes! In fact we encourage all IT graduates to sign to be a part of our team. We strive to promote both professional and personal growth in all our team members no matter what part of their IT journey they are on.

Yes, applicants will only be selected from the specific country that the chosen charity is based in. However, if you have been successfully chosen then you are more than welcome to stay on the team when we transition to a new country.

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