Mishal Ebrahim

Age: 22
Profession: Brand Partner / PMO

About me

I’m born and brought up in Malawi. I have graduated from Central High School completing my A-Levels in 2016. I went to Monash University for further studies earning my Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences majoring in Computer Networks and Security and Software Development in 2020

Hobbies: Reading, writing, exploring, learning about the latest developments (especially in technology) and religious books, travelling and watching series..


To create my own AI smart home and security and system.

To own a small library cafe with an ancient look and feel


  • To be a better human being who does good rather than doing well.
  • To be a good software developer and ethical hacker
  • To explore the world from the wilderness to the deepest part of the ocean
  • To be someone that makes a difference in someone else’s life
  • To write a book(s).


“Be kind, for whenever kindness becomes part of something, it beautifies it. Whenever it is taken from something, it leaves it tarnished.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Insomnis Veritas – ‘In dreams, there is truth’

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